(A Non Governmental Organisation )
Registered under Societies Registration Act,1860 (Maharashtra, India)
A voluntarily formed professional accountancy body of CPA's in India
The aims and objects for which the Society is constituted are:
(i) to advance the disciplines of accounting & auditing, taxation, finance, & to foster accountability & responsibility amongst its practitioners towards the stakeholders namely users of their work, their clients & general public at large;
(ii) to co-ordinate and co-operate with the accounting and related professions,commerce, industry and the public service to support, promote, protect and maintain a body of qualified Accountants;
(iii) to prescribe and adopt standards and classification of attainments and qualifications of members and for such purposes to conduct examinations, assess those standards and classifications with recognition of prior learning and workplace assessment and conduct other tests in the theory and practice of general accounting subjects and to prescribe and receive fees for such examinations and tests and to confer qualifications to designate the standard and status of members;
(iv) to consider questions affecting the interests of and to protect and advance the status of members of the Institute;
(v) to promote public education in the aforesaid disciplines;
(vi) to regulate/train/educate the independent accountants & auditors, tax consultants/planners, practitioners, financial advisers/planners/consultants & other management consultants, by binding them for accountability & responsibility,for all the services they render, with national & internationally accepted
ethics/code of conduct for professional accountants ;
(vii) to increase professional competence of independent accountants by continuing professional education & training ;
(viii) to institute memberships, honorary membership, associateships, fellowships, etc.for different categories of persons engaged in the specified disciplines;
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(x) to undertake, organize, convene, conduct, hold, participate and facilitate studies, discussions, conferences, workshops, seminars, consultancy and research in matters relating to accounting & auditing, taxation, finance to recommend adherence to technical standards issued by national & international regulators/
government authorities concerned thereof;
(xi) to promote the highest standards of professional competence and practice;
(xii) to organize, finance and maintain schemes for studies and for conduct of professional examinations for the grant of certificates and awards, subject to the regulations framed from time to time for the purpose; and to seek recognition for such examinations from appropriate authorities;
(xiii) to undertake the founding, maintenance, aiding and endowment of prizes;
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(xv) to furnish information to, and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas amongst members by various means
(xvi) to establish and maintain a library or libraries;
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(xviii) to collaborate and cooperate with other national or international professional associations or bodies, whether incorporated or not, whose objects are altogether, or in part, similar to those of the Institute;
(xix) to make grants, donations and subscriptions to other bodies whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of the Institute; and
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(xxi) to communicate or enter into other relations whether formal or informal with other Institutes, societies and associations having similar objects and purposes and to subscribe to become a member of and co-operate with any such bodies and to procure from and communicate to any such bodies such information as may be likely to forward the objects of the Institute;
(xxii) to amalgamate or enter into partnership or into any arrangement for union of
interests, co-operation, joint adventure, reciprocal concession