(A Non Governmental Organisation )
Registered under Societies Registration Act,1860 (Maharashtra, India)
A voluntarily formed professional accountancy body of CPA's in India
Governing Council
Institute is governed by it's governing council (Trustees), known as "Central Council". Institute is committed to make its management accountable and transparent as far as possible
Mr Mohasin Tahasildar & his family members are founder members, holding permanent stake in the society.
Council comprises of 3 members from the founders and 4 Institutional Members are invited, these can also be independent members, though these four positions are vacant but institute plans to fill it soon
Current list of executive members from amongst the founders are -
Mohasin Tahsildar ............................President & CEO
Following are the people who are involved in the day to day management of the Institute -
Mohasin Tahasildar...........................CEO
Sabiha M T ..............................Secretary
Kousar Firoz........................................Business Support Executive
Teaching and Support Staff-
Mohasin Tahasildar ( FCMA,CA-Inter,FCPA,MIPA/AFA)................................ Responsible for Qualification Development & Delivery
Janaki Misty-Panchal (FCCA)...............................................................Head Tutor & Remote Support for ACCA (Mumbai)