(A Non Governmental Organisation )
Registered under Societies Registration Act,1860 (Maharashtra, India)
A voluntarily formed professional accountancy body of CPA's in India
Medhavi Skills University
ICPA has recently signed an agreement to become Industry Partner for OJT practical training of the PGD & Masters courses. We are also there authorized enrollment partners to enroll students for CPA Masters Degree & CTPr as Post Graduate Diploma Courses. Medhavi Skills University is UGC recognized and also have Awarding and Assessments body status from NCVET for introducing qualification in NQR. They also have DGT.MSDE recognition for flexi MoU & Apprenticeship Training Courses
Affiliated To MEPSC
ICPA, ICTPI & MEPSC have agreed to enter in MoU to develop Professional Certifications and Training programs in India, for developing a profession of CPA & Chartered Tax Practitioners respectively.
MEPSC is Sector Skill Council set up as autonomous body under Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship of Government of India, they are engaged in identifying skill gaps in Management & Professional educational sector and are authorized to develop National Occupational Standards & Qualification Packs (NoS-QP) to be published in National Qualification Register. They are NCVET Approved Awarding body
Associate Partners of ICTPI
Institute of chartered Tax Practitioners of India (ICTPI) is professional organization formed to address certification and training needs of Tax Practitioners, it will act as central regulatory body of Tax Practitioners of the nation
ICTPI along with MEPSC have entered into MoU to develop CTPr course for the same
IFAC Permissions
IInternational Federation of Accountants is a global regulator of Accountancy profession, all professional accountancy organisations are IFAC members.They have published a global bench-marked standards for professional accountants governing Accounting Education, Auditing & Ethical conducts. ICPA has got permissions from IFAC to use these materials, especially ICPA has adopted IFAC's "Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants"
ICPA also has applied for IFAC membership and is eligible for Associate Membership & is currently meeting it's SMO
IFA/IPA Recognition for ICPA
ICPA members are recognised for direct and full membership of IFA-UK & IPA- Australia, they can get two of these bodies membership in one fees. both these are full IFAC bodies & their membership will enable our members to take advantage of MoU & get membership of Institute of Cost Accountants of India.
Click below to check our recognition IFA-UK site
ACCA Tuition Provider as BPP Partners
ACCA is UK based global body of chartered accountants, ICPA has partnered with BPP to deliver ACCA course. we offer most affordable and reliable tuition products. ACCA is most recognised global accounting and finance qualification. considered as global passport for accountants !
CIMA Registered Tuition Provider
CIMA is UK based global body of management accountants, ICPA has partnered with CIMA to deliver their courses. We are CIMA registered tuition providers. It's globally recognised finance qualification offered in partnership with AICPA-USA
Click below to check our listing on CIMA site
ADIT Tuition Provider
ADIT from CIOT is UK based global body of Tax Practitioners, ICPA has partnered with CIOT to deliver their courses. We are ADIT tuition providers. It's globally recognised International Tax Practitioners qualification resulting in CIOT-UK Affiliate membership
Click below to check our listing on ADIT-CIOT site
Institutional Member of AIFTP
Our Institute has granted Institutional Membership of All India Federation of Tax Practitioners
AIFTP is 40 yr old Tax Practitioners Federation, having more than 5000 members and 125+ Institutional bodies together representing thousands of Tax Practitioners consisting of Income Tax & Sales Tax Practitioners, CA's, CMA's & Advocates...